Frequently Asked Questions (updated October, 2012)
OJEU stands for The Official Journal of the European Union. Public sector bodies are required to advertise their contract opportunities in the OJEU if the value exceeds the thresholds set by the EU. The OJEU is a daily publication and subscriptions can be on CD-ROM.
A Directive is EU legislation which Member States must translate into national legislation. Directives are binding on national governments and their agencies as soon as they are adopted - even though no legislation to implement them has yet been passed at national level.
- Open procedure - bidders can apply without prior selection
- Restricted procedure - bidders selected by an open invitation
- Accelerated procedure - shorter advertising periods permitted due to urgency
- Negotiated procedure - where only chosen suppliers are invited to negotiate contracts
When the following thresholds are exceeded:
- Supplies and Services including NHS Trusts - £101,323 (since January 2010) = €125,000
- Works including NHS Trusts - £3,927,360 (since January 2010) = €4,845,000
The World Trade Organisation. For central government bodies the WTO rules on public sector procurement determine the threshold for advertising supplier contracts.
Government Procurement Agreement, part of GATT, which is now the WTO. Covers mainly central government departments and all NHS Trusts. Universities are funded centrally so may fall under the GPA. Local Authorities/Councils are not covered by this normally.
This must either be a number or a range - but in any case, the number of candidates invited to tender shall be sufficient to ensure genuine competition. The Restricted procedure range must number at least 5 suppliers and may be upto 20. Under the Negotiated procedure the number of candidates admitted to negotiate may not be less than 3 providing there is a sufficient number of suitable candidate suppliers.
Carlton House, Kibworth Hall Park, Kibworth
Harcourt, Leicestershire, UK LE8 0PE
Tel : +44 116 279 3232 - Fax : +44 116 279 2473 - Mobile: 07771 967323
email : Webmaster